lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013


I was Interested in video games when i was like 12 years old…in those years I played several games, including Pac-Man, The Watcher and Robocop…I was a total fanatic, but Today 4me the video games are a complete waste of my precios time…We have actually a thousands of different ways to acces to a computer entertainment, like social networks: Facebook and Twitte. Sincerely I preffer to connect myself with people alive, and know their lifes, watching their potos or visit other countries Reading their travel reviews. 

I feel respect for people who likes and enjoy vieo games, everyone have their interest ;)…Like my brother who wasted a lot of time playing Warcraft, monopolizing the computer at home and no one else can use the laptop Lol… I think computer games could be use productively if the engineers in charge of create the softwares,may design in Chile educational games, like a healthy food game, a platform created in the U.K or the sciences Lab game. 

In Chile we could create games who develop the history of their ancient cultures. Now we have high tech to make more interactive games and therefore more attractive. in this 21 century time, many companies are using and selling units like Portable Play Station (PSP), this units can be loaded with more educational games looking for improve cognitive habilities…just and Idea…Thank U

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