lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013


There are  many place where people should learn to be kind to the environment but the main one must be your HOME, in my parents house when I was a child, my father used to built eco-bricks, we filled plastic bottles with papers and then we used concret to créate the bricks… One time we participated in a local school fair...

Today I can proudly say I belong to an EcoFamily, we recicle every  organic material, we have a machine to make compost,  giving to us by the Mayors enviroment office, whit it we can get organic soils for our gardens.

I currently live in a flat at the city of Santiago, and try to recycle plastic, tetra packs and glass botles, but sometime i forgot to take this ítems to the Green points …but there is something I never forget to do… I trie to use less Plastic is I can. Whenever you go everybody have the intention to give you a Plastic Bag and I refuse to this desire, just try to carry my shopping ítems in my back pack or in my hands, this is my personal action, seeking for a healthy planet… 
i`d like to believe many more will avoid the use of Plastic Bags…Wohooooo¡¡¡¡

In the future when I earn money, the first activity in My ToDo List is going to be: 1) Register myself in a enviromental organization and donate money regularly to support educational activities. And of course I Invite You to participate and become a Planet Lover¡¡¡ as I ¡¡¡


I was Interested in video games when i was like 12 years old…in those years I played several games, including Pac-Man, The Watcher and Robocop…I was a total fanatic, but Today 4me the video games are a complete waste of my precios time…We have actually a thousands of different ways to acces to a computer entertainment, like social networks: Facebook and Twitte. Sincerely I preffer to connect myself with people alive, and know their lifes, watching their potos or visit other countries Reading their travel reviews. 

I feel respect for people who likes and enjoy vieo games, everyone have their interest ;)…Like my brother who wasted a lot of time playing Warcraft, monopolizing the computer at home and no one else can use the laptop Lol… I think computer games could be use productively if the engineers in charge of create the softwares,may design in Chile educational games, like a healthy food game, a platform created in the U.K or the sciences Lab game. 

In Chile we could create games who develop the history of their ancient cultures. Now we have high tech to make more interactive games and therefore more attractive. in this 21 century time, many companies are using and selling units like Portable Play Station (PSP), this units can be loaded with more educational games looking for improve cognitive habilities…just and Idea…Thank U


40 Million-Year-Old ‘Walking Whale’ Fossil Discovered In Peru’s Ocucaje Desert



A fósil of a walking whale was found in Ocucaje desert in Southern Perú, this fosil belong to a group called Achaeocetes. The Peruvian paleontologist Rodolfo Salas, said about the fin “Now we can say that the most important primitive sea mammal deposit in south america is at Ocucaje”, The ocucaje site is dating back from 10 to 12 millions years.

The Whale`s remains are the oldest ever found in South America, the skull resembles that of  a wolf or crocodile and  may help researchers understand the link between modern whales and their ancestors. find such a large and complete specimen including cranial and pòst cranial remainds is uncommon, because in a marine enviroment the bones are usually scavenged and altered by diagenetic procces.
Having the vertebrae, the ribs, the flipper bones. It will give us a more complete picture of what these animals looked like. The paleontologist explain to de Newspapper.

The first Whale ancestor was hairy, four legged omnivore that evolve into a amphibious species. The fossil weigthed about 1,100 pounds and measured 19 feet long, the scientist believe, there are more specimens to be found at the Ocucaje desert in Perú, but it takes high-tech, resources and equipment to locate and recover them. There are more tan 10 whale fossils dicovered and recovered in the Ocucaje desert.